Home Owner/Seller April 19, 2023

5 Tips to Save Energy Costs in Texas

As the weather heats up in Texas, so does the cost of energy bills. However, there are some simple tips that homeowners can use to reduce their energy consumption and save money on their energy bills. Here are some ways to keep your home cool and your energy bills low during the spring and summer months.

Use a Programmable Thermostat

Investing in a programmable thermostat is an excellent way to save money on energy costs. By programming the thermostat to raise the temperature when you’re away from home and lower it when you’re home, you can reduce your energy consumption and save money on your energy bills.

Keep Your Windows Covered

When the sun shines through your windows, it can heat up your home quickly, causing your air conditioner to work harder. To prevent this, keep your windows covered with blinds, curtains, or shades during the hottest parts of the day.

Seal Your Home

Air leaks in your home can make your air conditioner work harder and use more energy. To prevent this, seal your windows, doors, and any other areas where air can escape. This will keep your home cooler and reduce your energy consumption.

Use Ceiling Fans

Ceiling fans are an affordable and effective way to keep your home cool. By circulating air around your home, ceiling fans can help you feel more comfortable without turning down the thermostat. This can help you save money on your energy bills.

Schedule Regular Maintenance

Regular maintenance of your air conditioning system is crucial to keeping it running efficiently. Schedule an annual inspection and cleaning with a professional HVAC technician to ensure that your system is operating at peak efficiency. This can help you save money on your energy bills and extend the life of your air conditioning system.


By following these simple tips, you can keep your home cool and comfortable while saving money on your energy bills. Investing in a programmable thermostat, keeping your windows covered, sealing your home, using ceiling fans, and scheduling regular maintenance of your air conditioning system can help you reduce your energy consumption and save money. Don’t let the Texas heat burn a hole in your wallet this spring and summer – take action now to save money on your energy bills! #closedbyclough

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